Sunday, October 31, 2010

David *****, RPCV

So there is a phrase repeated among many volunteers I have met who successfully finished their 27 months in the Peace Corps and COS'ed (Close of Service): "The second year flies by!"

And I have to say, I agree with that statement. As I sit in a hostel a stones' throw from Guatemala's Aurora International Airport, waiting for my flight to Panama to see my family, I took advantage of the free wi-fi to check out some stuff online. Then I seemed to remember at some point in my service I had a blog, and checked up to see if it was still up. Lo and behold, it was still here, and my last post was almost exactly one year ago, just as I was finishing up my first year of service.

Since it's all over now, I took a moment to run through some of my sparse postings, and I laughed at stories I had forgotten over the course of two years. For this, I plan to take advantage of the next few weeks of vacation I have carved out for myself and plan to augment my stories on this blog, if for no other reason than to jot them down before I forget.

I finished my service with Peace Corps Guatemala on October 21st, 2010. It's been a crazy two years and three months, but the last year was truly special. I'll now try to post some of the greatest hits of the last few months...

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